Os Inspire Therapy for Apnea Diaries

Os Inspire Therapy for Apnea Diaries

Blog Article

Recent research5 shows that long-term adherence to CPAP may be as low as 25 percent in cases of mild obstructive sleep apnea, with people discontinuing for reasons including physical discomfort and psychological distress.

And while the vast majority of the long-term side effects of CPAP machines are very beneficial, a couple of rare negative effects can occur from time to time. Luckily, most of those issues can be easily addressed.

Medical history: People with medical conditions that impede neurological control of the upper airway aren’t eligible to use Inspire.

Weight: People with a BMI of 32 or higher may not be ideal candidates for Inspire sleep apnea treatment due to the effect obesity can have in reducing the effectiveness of upper airway stimulation.

Surgical options include septoplasty, turbinate reduction, septorhinoplasty and nasal valve surgery alongside with endoscopic sinus surgery (

In particular, traditional-style face masks have been linked to anxiety, as some people feel smothered while wearing something that covers their nose and mouth.

During an approximately 90-minute outpatient procedure, the Inspire® implant is placed in the body through two small incisions. After the procedure, patients work with their provider to fine tune their therapy settings and learn how to use to the Inspire™ remote to turn the therapy on and off.

Outpatient evaluation and discussion about the procedure, and decision about whether the patient generally has rational/realistic view of surgical management.

Exhaling against positive pressure, produces a back pressure that increases the air left in the lungs at the end of a breath. This can help open collapsed airways or alveoli and is often referred to as a splinting effect.

After an initial titration period, patients should undergo either polysomnography or out-of-center portable testing to objectively confirm the efficacy of the device.

See a Specialist If the Problem Persists: If you’re still experiencing issues after trying these recommendations, you may need to visit your ENT (be sure to let them know you’re on CPAP therapy) for guidance.

Moisturizing Mouth Wash: Some companies produce moisturizing mouthwash to relieve the effects of dry mouth and prevent loss of water throughout more info the night.

The Inspire sleep apnea device is covered by most major insurance companies, including Medicare. If Inspire isn’t specifically covered, it may be approved based on medical necessity on an individual basis. Inspire sleep apnea therapy is also available to veterans through the Federal Supply Schedule.

Despite its many benefits, it can take some time to adjust to sleeping with your CPAP machine, and you may experience a few common CPAP side effects throughout the process.

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